CS201Quiz-3 Solution Fall 2022 (23 to 33)


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In this post we are providing you CS201Quiz-3 Solution Fall 2022 (23 to 33) 100% correct or right solution. You'll Download assignment Solution File From below download (Click Here For Download File) link interface.

Quiz No 2 will be opened from

15th February,2022 to 17th February, 2022.

  Friend function are used in cases where one class is ____ to another class


2.      For casting, we normally declare a pointer of type ____________.

                                                        We are going to use…….confirm

3.      Constructor is special type of function

                             Which has no return type…..confirm from net

4.      Class can be defined as

                   A class includes both objects and structures


5.      The object code of our program is combined with the _________.

                              Object code of the library function….confirm

6.      I+=2 is equivalent to ________.

                               I= i+2….confirm

7.      For accessing data members we use _____________ operator.


8.      The _________ is called automatically when an object destroys



9.      The function overloading requires _______.

                                      The argument list to be the same….confirm


10.  With user data type variables (objects) self assignment can produce

                                       Logical error……confirm from net


11.  Constructor is a special type of function

                          Which has no return type……confirm from net


12.  Look at the statement given below int & a; and tell what will happen

                    Compiler will generate an error: a declared as reference but not initialized….confirm from net


13.  Macros are categorized into ___________type(s)



14.  If the memory in the free store is not sufficient ____________.

                           Malloc function returns NULL pointer…confirm from net


15.  A reference cannot be Null it has to point a data type



16.  The friend function of a class can have access __________.

                                       To the private data members….confirm


17.  #define CIRCUMFERENCE(X) (2*PI*R) is a.

                                                  Definition of a macro…..confirm from net


18.  Which of the following is unary operator

                                  i--, i++, ++i…..all options…confirm


19.  For overloading a void type pointer ptr into integer type, the correct syntax is



20.  Ternary operator is shown as ___________.


21.  If we do not write our own assignment operator then which of the following problem may occur?

                                      Dangling pointer


22.  Getche() is a __________ function and defined in _________ header file.

                                                     Built in function, conio.h……confirm from net


23.  Core must be taken about the correct _________ of operator while overloading.

                                           Both semantic and complexity


24.  Which function is used to delete the allocated memory space?

                                      Free()……confirm from net


25.  Friend functions are ________.



26.  Which one of the following is the correct statement about operator overloading?

                                                Arithmetic operators can be overloaded only


27.  Once we have defined a symbolic constant value using #define, that value ______ during program execution.

                        Cannot be changed……confirm from net


28.  Consider the following code segment. Which of the following will be called while executing code at line 2? String s1, s2; s1 = s2

                              Assignment Operator



29.  The concept of _______ allows us to separate the interface from the implementation of the class.



30.  In overloading the assignment (=) operator, which object will be passed as an argument(s) in the operator function?

                                           Left object of the assignment operator               


31.    In overloading the assignment (=) operator, which object(s) will call operator function?

                          Left object of the assignment……confirm from net


32.  Class can be defined as:

                              A class includes both data members as well as functions to manipulate that data


33.  Constructor has ________.

                          The same name as of class…….confirm


34.  We can _________ pointer

                                               Reassign, decrement, increment…….All options correct


35.  The constructor contains ____________.

                             No return type


36.  ____________ will return the number of bytes reserved for a variable or data type


                                          Sizeof operator…….confirm from net


37.  In C++ the region of available memory is called __________.

                                         Free store                                          

38.  The only operator that the compiler overloads for user define data type by default is

                             Assignment (=) operator….confirm from net                                           

39.  Functions declared with the _______________ specifier in a class member list are called friend functions of that class. 


40.  Public or private keywords can be ____________ 
written multiple times in the class or structure declaration 

41.  The friend keyword provides access _____________
in one direction only 

References cannot be uninitialized. Because it is impossible to _______________ 

reinitialize a reference 

42.  new operator can be used for ______________.

integer , float, char and double data types……confirm

10. The destructor is used to ______________.

deallocate memory

43.  Reference is not really an address it is ______________.

                    a synonym

44.  If we want to allocate memory to an array of 5 integers dynamically, the syntax will be _____________.

int *iptr ; iptr = new int[5] ;


45.  Memory allocated from heap or free store _____________________.


cannot be returned back unless freed explicitly using free and delete operators


46.  Operator overloading is to allow the same operator to be bound to more than one implementation, depending on the types of the _________.

47.  The operator to free the allocated memory using new operator is ________________.

48.  Public or private keywords can be _________.

                       written multiple times in the class or structure declaration …….confirm from net

49.  A class can be declared as a ____________ of other class

                                 Friend class…..confirm

50.  In C++ operators, which of the following operator cannot be overloaded __________.


51.  We can _________ references.

                                  None of the given options…..confirm from net


52.  Being a concise language, C needs something for its __________.


53.  The compiler gets the modified ______________

                                    source code file…..confirm

54.  When we write __________ this somefile is ordinary text file of C code.


55.  The line where we write the ________ statement is replaced by the text of that file.


56.  All of the preprocessor directives start with __________.

                                            # sign……confirm


57.  There are _______ ways to use #include.


58.  ‘h’ stands for ________

                        header files…..confirm


59.  We can include files anywhere in the code but it needs to be _______and at the ___________.

                                           Logical, proper position…….confirm


60.   The _________of function must be declared before its usage



61.  The ___________ of compilation will be successful.

                             first parse…..confirm


62.  After the _______ of the compiler, it converts the source code into object code

                                  First phase…..confirm


63.  ___________ is machine code but is not re-locateable executable.

                       Object code……confirm


64.  The __________ of our program is combined with the object code of the library functions.

                              object code……confirm



65.  The __________ performs this task while the compiler includes the name and arguments.


66.  For checking the _______ of the functions, the compiler needs to know the definition of the function or at least the prototype of the function.


67.   The preprocessor will search for the file “myHeaderFile.h” in the current working directory. It will be written as

                                          #include “myHeaderFile.h……confirm

68.  ______ is a universal constant and has a value of _______.

                            Pi,  3.1415926…….confirm


69.  Be sure that the value of_________ can not be changed.


70.  All the preprocessor directives start with the sharp sign.


71.  Macros are classified into ______ categories.


72.  The first type of macros can be written using ___________.


73.  The second type of macros takes arguments. It is also called a _________.

                                             parameterized macros…….confirm

74.  Being a _______, it does not require any semicolon at the end.

                                                           non-C code…..confirm

75.  The__________ will be replaced by the actual macro definition including the entire parenthesis in the code before compilation.


76.  A symbol cannot be redefined without________ it first.


77.  The __________ directives help in debugging the program

                                         Conditional compilation……confirm

78.  _______ variable names starting with underscore.

                                          Do not declare……confirm

79.  Always use _________ while defining macros that takes arguments.


80.  So an ordinary _______ is actually a C code.

                                   English poem…….confirm

81.  Earlier, whenever we declared arrays, the size of the arrays was_________.


82.  It is better to compare both the ________ and ______ allocation methods to understand the benefits of the usage of dynamic memory allocation.

                                                       Static , dynamic……..confirm

83.  Static allocation is also called _______

                                               Compile time allocation…..confirm

84.  A pointer ptr of type void is declared as under

                                            void *ptr ;…..confirm

85.  The syntax of the calloc function is as follows.

                                 void *calloc (size_t n, size_t el_size)……confirm

86.  The ______ function takes one argument i.e. the number of bytes to be allocated



87.  The syntax of the malloc function is as follows

                                          void * malloc (size_t size) ;…..confirm

88.  #undef is used for

                                            Making a symbol undefined…..confirm

89.  Let suppose a = b = c. In such situation, it is necessary to return a reference of an object from assignment operator function.


90.  Which one of the following is the declaration of overloaded pre-increment operator implemented as member function?

                                                      Class-name operator ++()…..confirm

91.  A class is a user defined data type it takes _________.

                           No space in memory unless we create an object from it……..confirm

92.  The heap memory structure __________.

                                Constantly changes in size…….confirm

93.  Which of the following permits function overloading in C++

                                          Both type and arguments……confirm from net

94.  The data members of the class are initialized ________.

                                                        At runtime…..confirm

95.  ___________ operators are the ones that require two operands on both sides of the operator.


96.  _________ operators are the ones that require only one operator to work to the left of the operand


97.  Which one of the following is mandatory preprocessor directive for c++?

                                                #include <iostream>……confirm from net

98.  Functions declared with the _________ specifier in a class member list are called friend functions of that class



99.  Default constructor takes _________.

                                                 No parameters…..confirm

100.                      The members of a class declared without any keyword are _____ by default

                                              Private…….confirm from net

101.                      In a class we can have ______ constructor(s).


102.                      _________ for parameters is also done for inline functions.

                                     Automatic type checking…..confirm

103.                       An address is a ______, while a pointer is a ___________.

                                        Constant, Variable …… confirm from net

104.                      The compiler generates _________ automatically


105.                      When an operator function is defined as member function for a binary Plus (+) operator then the number of extra arguments it takes is/are

                                                 Two….confirm from net

106.                      Date+=1 is equivalent to _________.

                   Date + 1 ……confirm

107.                      Windows operating system may itself takes memory from __________.

                                                        Heap….confirm  from net

108.                      Identify the correct method of adding two strings s1 and s2

                                                  Strcat (s1, s2)

109.                      Name the function whose definition can be substituted at a place where its function call is made ___________.

                                           Inline function……confirm from net

110.                       If class A is a friend of class b, and class B is a friend of class C, if class A wants class C to be a friend _________.

                                      It has to declare, class C as a friend….confirm

111.                      Separate the interface and ________.


112.                      Constructor has the same name as of ______.


113.                      Initializing the data members in the definition of the class is a __________.

                                         Syntax error…..confirm

114.                       The new operator automatically determines the size of memory required to store that object, so it does not need _________.

                                         Sizeof operator…..confirm

115.                      Object code is machine code but it is not _________ and __________.

                                    Relocateable, executable…….confirm

116.                      While using ______ operator we do not need to supply number of bytes allocated


117.                      The operator to free the allocated memory using ______ operator is _________. So whenever we use new to allocate memory.

                                             New, delete…..confirm

118.                      The _______ operator frees the allocated memory that is returned back to free store for usage ahead.


119.                      The memory allocation functions return a chunk of memory with a pointer of type _________.



120.                      The syntax of declaration of a function that returns the reference to an integer is ________.

                                      Int & myfunc();……confirm

121.                      For console input and output we use _______.

                                   Conia.h header file…..confirm

122.                      A pointer is _________.

                                      A variable for storing address…….confirm

123.                      For the joining of two strings in string class, we may use ‘+’ operator, can we use ‘-’ operator the same way for subtracting strings?


124.                      A friend function of a class is a function defined __________.

                                Outside that class and that has the right access protected members of the class only

125.                      The reference data types are used as _______ variables without any ______ operator

                                             Ordinary , deference……confirm

126.                      Operator overloading is to allow the same operator to be ______ to more than one implementation, depending on the types of the operands.


127.                      The concept of friend function negates the concept of ________.


128.                      Overloaded assignment operator must be

                                  Member function of class

129.                      Header files provide ______ so the program running on one operating system can run without an error on the other system.


130.                      Once an object is declared as a friend ________.

                          It has access to all non-public members as if they were public….confirm from net

131.                       If text is a pointer of type string then what will be the functionality of following statement?

                                               Creates array of 5 objects dynamically

132.                       A __________ function of a class is defined outside that class scope, but it can access all private and protected members of the class.


133.                      For binary member operators operands on the ______ drives (calls) the operation


134.                      A class is a user defined data type it takes ______________.

                No space in memory unless we create an object from it

135.                       We cannot increment ___________.

                               Reference…….confirm from net

136.                      To prevent dangling reference the functions returning reference should be used with _______.

                                     Static and global variables…..confirm from net

137.                       free function is available in _________ header file.


138.                       Assignment operator is used to initialize a newly declared object from existing object


139.                       The dynamic memory allocation uses _______ whereas static memory allocation uses ______.

                              Heap, stack….confirm from net

140.                       C++ offers _______ levels of data access control inside a class



141.                       The members of a class declared with the keyboard struct are __________ by default.


142.                       __________ is a special type of pointer we have to cost it before we use it.


143.                       Encapsulation means __________.

           That the data of a class cannot be accessed from outside……confirm


144.                       The friend keyword provides access ________.

                                In one direction only …….. confirm

145.                       Reference variables must __________.

                                Be initialized after they are declared……confirm

146.                        Reference is not really an address it is ______.

                                  A synonym……confirm from net

147.                       C++ was developed by ________

                                  Bjarne Stroustrup……confirm

148.                       Which of the following syntax is best used to delete an array of 5 objects named ‘string’ allocated using new operator.

                               Delete []string;

149.                        if we have a program that writes the output data(numbers) to the disc, and if we collect the output data and write it on the disc in one write operation in the above situation the area where we will gather the number is called.


150.                       Consider the following code, the printed value will be converted into

int n = 10;


                                   base 8

151.                       When new operator is overloaded at global level then corresponding built-in new operator will also be visible to whole of the program.


152.                       When new operator is overloaded at global level then corresponding built-in new operator will not be visible to whole of the program.


153.                       To avoid dangling reference, don’t return ___________.

                    The reference of a local variable from the function…….confirm

154.                       Reference is a thing by which we can create __________ of any data type

                               Synonym……confirm from net

155.                       Reference cannot be uninitialized. Because it is impossible to ________.

                                                         Reinitialize a reference……confirm from net

156.                        _________ must be included to use stream manipulator in your code         



157.                       Let suppose int a, b, c, d, e; a=b=c=d=e=42; This can be interpreted by the compiler as

                    a = (b=(c=(d=(e=42))));

158.                        What is meant by the following statement? String str[5] = {string(“Programming”), string(“CS201”)};

                   Parameterized constructor will call for first 2 objects and default constructor for remaining objects…….confirm from net


159.                       Overloaded member operator function is always called by ______.

                         Compiler…….confirm from net

160.                       The default visibility for the data members of the class is


161.                        The operator to free the allocated memory using new operator is ________.


162.                        Bugs can occur due to ______________.

                             Uninitialized data…..confirm

163.                       When the compiler overloads the assignment ( = ) operator by default then

                            Compiler does member wise assignment……..confirm from net                    

164.                        In functions, that returns reference use ___________.

                                                                    Global or static variables

165.                       Look at the program code and identify the error. #include<iostream> using namespace std; #define PI 3.1415926; main() { int radius =5; cout<< “Area of circle with radius”<< radius<< ‘ =’ <<PI * radius * radius;}

                      Error exist in line number 2. Semi colon is not allowed with define directive

166.                        Destructor ____________.

                 Cannot be overloaded and have no return type……confirm


167.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                __________ data isn’t accessible by non-member functions or outside classes                                            


168.                       If the request of new operator is not fulfilled due to insufficient memory in the heap ______.

                            The operator returns 0…….confirm

169.                       Symbolic constant PI can be defined as;

                        #define PI 3.14…….confirm from net

170.                       Data+=1 is equivalent to ________.



171.                        ____________ operators are the ones that require only one operator to work.


172.                        If B is designated as friend of A, B can access A’s non-public members.

                                       A can access non-public members of B……confirm

173.                       Operator overloading is to allow the same operator to be bound to more than one implementation, depending on the types of the ________.


174.                       What will be the output of the following c++ code?


     #define max 100



   #ifdef max

   cout<< “Hellow”;


                  Error……confirm from net

175.                        While using __________ operator we do not need to supply number of bytes allocated.


176.                           The ________ data type always represents an empty set of values in C++.


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