CS304 Quiz-2 Solution Fall 2022 (30 to 37)


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In this post we are providing you CS304 Quiz-2 Solution Fall 2022 (30 to 37) 100% correct or right solution. You'll Download assignment Solution File From below download (Click Here For Download File) link interface.

This is to inform you that: Quiz 2 will be opened on Tuesday, March 01, 2022 and last date to attempt quiz will be Thursday, March 03, 2022 which will be including lectures from Lecture 30 – 37.

Quiz No 2 will be opened from

______________ Class is a single class provides functionally to operate on different type of data.


Which of the following may inherit from an ordinary class?

All of the given

Which of the following represents complete specialization?

Template <int.char>

The parameters given in template definition other than those used for mentoring templates types are called

Non-type parameters

Which of the following is correct way to define a template class X?

typename &lt;class T &gt; class X {};

Which of the following is a sequence Container?


In resolution order of function template compiler searches for ___________in the end.

Generic template

__________ may inherit from a complete specialization.

All of the given option

Which of the following may inherit from an ordinary class?

All of the given option

Which of the following is NOT an Associate Container?


When was specialize a function template .it is called___________

Function template overriding

Which of the following is/are key component(s) of standard Template Library?

All of the given option

Each ____________ of a template class by default becomes function template.

Member function

In statement “template<class U,int |=5>”the non type parameter is

Int |

Solution order highest priority is given to ________ in template

Complete template

In case of template specialization ,if compiler cannot find required complete

Partial specialization

_________ is a pointer which is declared outside the _________

Cursor, Container

Suppose a template class “Test” has a static data member. How many copies of this static data member following line of C++ code?


In statement template <class T,class U ,int |=5> the non-parameter is ______.

Class U

A template argument is preceded by the keyword ____________.


We can have ________ type of member functions in a class.

All of the given

Which of the following is NOT casting operator in C++ standard?


Which of the following types of Inheritance is used to model "Implemented in terms of" relationship?


In case of protected inheritance, public members of base class will be ________ in derived class?


In C++ by default access of classes is ________.


If there is a pointer p to objects of a base class , and it contains the address of an object of a derived class, and both classes contain a virtual member function, ding(), then the statement p->ding(); will cause the version of ding() in the ________ class to be executed.


Suppose we have defined derived class copy constructor but have not defined base class copy constructor then compiler will,

Use base class default constructor

In case of private inheritance, private members of base class will be ________ in derived class.


________ defines the order of evaluation of an operator in an expression.

Operator Precedence

Which of the following is the correct syntax of declaring static variable "count" of type int?

static int count;

Defining a function in class body, the compiler treats that function as:

Inline function     

What is the output of the following code?

int main()


int const x = 10;

cout << ++x;

return 0;



Which of the following statements best describes the Constructor?

Constructor is used to initialize the data members of a class.

Consider the following code segment:

class test


int a;

int b;

int c;




What will the value of variables a, b, and c after instantiating an object of above class?

Junk value, 5, Junk value

Which of the following is a strong relationship?


________ Binding means that target function for a call is selected at compile time.


In case of public inheritance, protected members of base class will be ________ in derived class.


A template provides a convenient way to make a family of

functions and classes

Function overriding is done in context of,

Derived and base class

Which of the following is TRUE.

Derived class pointer can be used as Base class pointer

The default inheritance mode is,

Private inheritance

In Protected Inheritance the public members of base class become ________ in derived class.


In resolution order compiler search firstly ________.

Ordinary function

Compiler generated copy constructor performs ________.

Both Shallow and Deep copy

A pure virtual function is a virtual function that

causes its class to be abstract


Methodologies to the development of reusable software relate to ________.

generic programming

In C++ generic programming is done using ________.


Consider the code below,

class class1{


void func1();


class class2 : private class1 {


Function func1 of class1 is ________ in class2.


When derived class has user defined assignment operator.

Compiler itself calls base class default constructor.


A Child class can call constructor of its parent class through,

Both from its constructor initialization list or body

Consider the code below,

class class1{


int i;


class class2 : public class1 {

};Then int member i of class1 is ________ in class2.


Consider the code below,

class class1{


int i;


class class2 : private class1 {

};Then int member i of class1 is ________ in class2.


Static casting is,

Implicit way of calling base class functions from derived class

How many objects of a given class may be constructed in an application?

As many as the application asks for

The other name of specialization is ________.


How can we differentiate between constructors and destructors?

Destructors are preceded with a tilde (~) symbol, and constructors are not preceded with any symbol.

How many entities are there in the following scenario?Ali lives in the house that is near the tree and he also drives his car.


Which of the following is True about Destructor?

All of the given

How many objects are involved in the N-ary association?

More than 3

Which of the following can be the behavior of an object "Usman"?


In C++, Composition is a relationship between ________ and ________ objects.

Parent, child


If you have three classes in a C++ program A, B, and C where class A inherits from class B, then class ________ contains all the characteristics of class ________.

A, B

In case when we define the function outside the class then we must use the keyword ________ to make the function inline.


Mermaid is an example of:

Multiple Inheritance


Assignment operators are:

Right associative


Generalization is ________ approach.



The ________ tells the compiler what task the function will be performing.

Function declaration

uppose str1, str2 and str3 are objects of class String. Choose appropriate declaration of overloaded assignment operator for the following statement to work correctly.

String& operator =(const String &);

In operator overloading, which of the following operator takes one or no argument.


Class is blueprint of ________.


Polymorphism makes the system:

All of the given

If class B inherits from class A then it contains all characteristics of ________.

Class A

What is meant by multiple inheritance?

Deriving a derived class from more than one base class


In C++, which of the following operator can only be overloaded as a member function of the class?

Stream Extraction Operator: >>

Insertion operator is ________ associative.

Left to Right

In expression c1*c2+c3-c4 which of the following will be executed in first order?


Suppose for a class String, assignment operator is overloaded with following declaration.

void operator =(const String &);

What will happen when we will write following statement in main()?

str1 = str2 = str3;

Where, str1, str2 and str3 are objects of class String.

Compiler will generate compile time error.

Identify the abstract class from the given statement:

"Vehicle class is base class. Bus, Car, and Truck are derived classes"


Which of the following operators operate on one operand?

Unary Operators

Subtyping means that derived class is behaviorally ________ with the base class.



In ________, Base class can't always be replaced by the derived class.


The overloaded '-' operator for Complex class will be called with reference to ________ in the following statement

Complex C3 = C1 - C2;


What is a class?

A class is a description of a kind of object

In polymorphism, messages can be interpreted in different ways depending upon the ________ class.


Suppose there is an object of type Person, which of the following can be considered as one of its attributes?


Which of the following is True about class?

All of the given

In C++, which of the following keywords works only with constructors?


Choose correct declaration of overloaded stream insertion operator for class String as non-member friend function.

friend ostream & operator << ();

Which of the following classes are used by Amphibious vehicle to inherit characteristics?

Both Land & Water Vehicle


Constructors have ________ return type.


The other name of specialization is ________.


________ is represented by a line with an unfilled diamond head towards the container.


________ remain in memory even when all objects of a class have been destroyed.

Static Variables

Static Data Member is declared ________.

Outside the class

A good model is ________ related to a real life problem.


In which of the following OOP paradigm objects cannot exist independently?


In order to make any function constant, keyword const is placed at the ________ of the parameter list.

End"Student registers Course and Teacher teaches the Course." is an example of:

Two way Association    

Which of the following can be the attribute of an object "Ali"?



Consider the statement "room has chair" Which of the following type of association exists between room and chair?

There is no association

We can access a private static variable through:

Static data member

Abstraction provides information according to ________.

User perspective

Which of the following concept is more close to encapsulation?


How the information hidden within an object can be accessed?

Through its interface

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