CS501 Quiz 2 fall 2024


1.      Which are the two control unit design approaches?

Hardwired and micro programming…….confirm

2.      The       control signal is used to enable the tri-stable buffers with the MBR.

MBR out…..confirm

3.      The   control signal to allow the IR read the value from the internal bus. Thus the instruction stored in the MBR is read into the instruction Register (IR).


4.      Which of the following control signals is used to copy the contents of in bus on the out bus so it can be loaded into MAR?


5.      Which of the following control signals is used to contents of the memory buffer register are read out onto the out bus by means of applying this signal as it enables the read for the MBR.


6.      Which of the following control signals is used this instruction will enable the write of the instruction register. Hence the instruction that is on the in bus is loaded into this register.


7.                    is defined as the time required to process a single instruction. Latency……confirm

8.      The instruction fetch procedure generally takes          time step(s) Three….confirm

9.      The syntax of the instruction “branch and link if zero” is

Brlzr ra, rb, rc….confirm

10.  The syntax of the instruction “branch if zero(brzr)” is Brzr rb, rc…..confirm

11.  Which of the following is responsible for generating signals for external events?

Interrupt generator…..confirm

12.                    hazard occurs when an instruction attempts to access some data value that has not yet been updated by the previous instruction.


13.  In pipe-line processors, there should be a                 data path so as not to complicate the flow of instructions and maintain the order of program execution.



14.  In pipe-line processors, there should be a                     port register file so that if the register write and read stages overlap, they can be performed in parallel.


15.  Upon receiving the     signal the SRC should perform a hard reset.


16.  Below given RTL description belongs to which stage of pipe-lining IR2 ? M [PC];

PC2 ? PC+4;

Instruction fetch…..confirm


17.  Below given RTL description belongs to which stage of pipe-lining Z4 ? (I-s3: X3+Y3, brl3: X3, Alu3:X3 op Y3,

MD4 ? MD3, IR4 ? IR3;


ALU operation…..confirm

18.     Below given RTL description belongs to which stage of pipe-lining Z5 ? (load4: M [Z4], ladr4~branch4~alu4:Z4),

store4: (M [Z4] ? MD4), IR5 ?IR4;

Memory access…..confirm

19.  Below given RTL description belongs to which stage of pipe-lining regwrite5: (R[ra] ? Z5);


Write back…..confirm


20.    The               instruction is completed once memory access has been made and the memory location has been written to


21.  The       instruction is completed one the loaded value is transferred back to the register file.



1.      Which of the given RTL description is used to represent store register relative (str) instruction?


2.      Which of the given RTL description is used to represent load displacement address (Ia) instruction?



3.      Which of the given RTL description is used to represent load relative address (Iar) instruction?


4.      Which of the given RTL description is used to represent conditional branch (br) instruction?

(op<4..0>=8): (cond : PC<- R[rb]),…..confirm

5.      Which of the given RTL description is used to represent branch and bank (brl) instruction?

Cond : (PC <- R [rb]))…..confirm


6.      Which of the given RTL description is used to represent store register (st) instruction?



7.      Which of the given RTL description is used to represent load register relative (Idr) instruction?

(op<4...0>=2) : R[ra] <- M[rel]…..confirm

8.      Which of the given RTL description is used to represent load register (Id) instruction?



9.      In a simple RISC computer the size of each register is                .


32 bits…….confirm

10.  A                    is a device that provides a shared data path to a number of devices that are connected to it.


11.                     instruction is used to load a register with an immediate data value. Ia……confirm

12.                         instruction is used to store register contents to memory


13.                 instruction is used to load register from memory instruction


14.  Which type of instructions load data from memory into register or store data from register into memory and transfer into memory and transfer data between different kinds of special-purpose registers?

Data transfer……confirm

15.  In RTL, which of the following symbols is used to store some data into a register?


16.  A stack based machine is also called                    .

0-address machine……confirm

17.  Which of the following bits of SRC instruction are used to hold the instruction register, used to hold the current instruction

The bits 31 through 0……confirm

18.  Which of the following bits of SRC instruction are used to hold program counter(it holds the memory address of next instruction to be executed)?]


The bits 31 through 0……confirm


19.  Which of the following bits of SRC instruction are used to hold short displacement or immediate field?

The bits 16 through 0…..confirm

20.  Which of the following bits of SRC instruction are used to hold count or modifier field?

The bits 16 through 0…..confirm

21.  Which of the following bits of SRC instruction are used to hold an operand, an address index, or a branch target register?

The bits 21 through 17…..confirm

22.  Which of the following bits of SRC instruction are used to hold a second operand, conditional test, or a shift count register?

The bits 16 through 12…..... confirm

23.  Which of the following bits of SRC instruction are used to hold long displacement field?

The bits 21 thorugh 0…..confirm

24.  Which of the following is example of direct indirect addressing mode?

M[[R5] + [R5]]…..confirm

25.  Which of the following RTL description is used to represent the target register of Falcon-A instruction


26.  Which of the following RTL description is used to represent the operation code of Falcon-A instruction

Op<4...0>:= IR<15..11>:……confirm


27.  Which of the following RTL description is used to represent the operand or address index of Falcon-A instruction


28.  Which of the following RTL description is used to represent the second operand of Falcon-A instruction


29.  Which of the following RTL description is used to represent the short displacement field of Falcon-A instruction


30.  Which of the following RTL description is used to represent the long displacement or the immediate field of Falcon-A instruction


31.  The instruction Load R1, [R3 + 20] is an example of which of the following addressing modes?



32.  In SRC, the op-code for NOP operation is                   .


33.  Which of the following RTL description is used to represent all general purpose register of SRC?




34.  To implement an N-bit barrel shifter in form of a combinational circuit, we require N               .



35.  A general purpose digital computer has                 main components 4…..confirm

36.                       instruction is used to divide a register value by the immediate value in FALCON-E processor


37.                       instruction is used to push the contents of a specified general purpose register to the stack in FALCON-E processor


38.                       instruction is used to pop the value that is at the top of the stack in FALCON-E processor



39.                    instruction is used to load a register with memory contents using displacement addressing mode in FALCON-E processor


40.                       instruction is used to store a register value into memory using displacement addressing mode in FALCON-E processor


41.                       instruction is used to branch if source operand is less than target address in FALCON-E processor


42.                       instruction is used to branch if source operand is greater than target address in FALCON-E processor


43.                       instruction is used to multiply an immediate value with a value stored in a register in FALCON-E processor


44.                       instruction is used to evaluate logical exclusive or in FALCON-E processor

Xor, xori…..confirm

45.  Which of the following measure can be best used for calculating the performance of computation intensive application


46.  All of the below given processors employ Little-Endian storage format except           .


47.  The instruction shifti R1, R2, 20 is an example of which of the following addressing modes?



1)      The multiplexer----------- is used to decide which value is transferred to be written back to the register file.






2)      Which of the following condition is evaluated when executing the branch instruction “brzr R2, R1”?


      If( R1 >0 )

      If( R1==0)

      If( R1 < 0)

3)      In case of SRC processor, bits------- of IR (instruction register) are reserved for the opcode.

      0 to 4

      11 to 15

      27 to 31

      59 to 63

4)      Which of the given RTL description is used to represent “load instruction register” (ldr) instruction?

      (op<4..0>=6): R[ra]                 rel

      (op<4..0>=2): R[ra]               M [rel]

                                                        (op<4..0>=2): M[disp]            R [ra]   CONCEPYUAL

      (op<4..0>=2): M[rel]                   R [ra]

5) Instruction is used to divide a register value by immediate value in FALCON-E processor.





6)      Which field of machine language instruction is the “type of operation” that is to be performed.

      Op-code(or the operation code)

      CPU register

      Memory Cells

      I/O Location


7)      Which of the following control signal is NOT activated during instruction fetch operation?





8)      In case of FALCON-A---------- instruction are present which are not present in SRC processor.

      create and destroy

      in and out

      open and close

      read and write

9) provides a temporary storage for the address of memory location to be accessed.





10)    Which of the following register is used to enable the tri-stable buffers with the MBR?





11)      What functionality is performed by the instruction “str R8, 34” of SRC?

       It will load the register R8 with the contents of the memory location M[PC+34]

      It will load the register R8 with the contents of the memory location M[34]

      It will store the register R8 contents to the memory location M[PC+34]

      It will store the register R8 contents to the memory location M[34]


12)     Program Counter(PC) holds the memory address of:

      Previous Instruction

      Current Instruction

      Next Instruction

      Previous and Current Instruction

13)    What is the working of Processor Status Word (PSW)?

      To hold the current status of the processor

      To hold the current address of the process

      To hold the instruction that the computer is currently processing

      To hold the address of the next instruction in memory that is to be executed


14)    mul is the example of a(n)----------- operation.




      Data transfer

15)      Control Signal for RTL “IR< ---MBR” will be---------


      PC< --C

      PC< --MBR

      PC< --IR

16)    What does the instruction”ldr R3, 58” of SRC do?

       It will load the register R3 with the contents of the memory location M[PC+58]

      It will load the register R3 with the relative address itself(PC+58)

      It will store register R3 contents to the memory location M[PC+58]

      It will store the value of register R3 at the relative address itself(PC+58)

17)  The status register of the 68000 has-------- condition codes.





18)      Which of the instruction is used to load register from memory using relative address?

      ld instruction

      ldr instruction

      lar instruction

      str instruction

19)  For the------ type instruction, we require a register to hold the data that is to be loaded from the memory,

or stored back to the memory.






20)    In a processor,----------- is responsible for the synchronization of internal as well external events.

      Memory Unit

      Data Unit

      Arithmetic & Logic Unit

      Control Unit


21)    In CPU design,----------- creates or forms the interface between the data path and control unit.



      Control signal


22) Control signal enables the input to the PC for receiving a value that is currently on the

internal processor bus.





23)    In SRC, the effective address is computed a run-time by adding a constant to value of-------- register.





24) control signal allow the content of the program counter register to be written onto the internal processor






25)    In---------- instruction format of EAGLE processor, there is no field reserved for the operands.

      Type V

      Type Y

      Type X

      Type Z

26)    In Type C instruction of SRC,--------- bits are allocated for constant values.





27)      A general purpose digital computer has--------- main components.





28)    The instruction---------- will load the register R3 with the contents of the memory location M[PC+56].

      lar R3,M[56]

      ldr R3,M[56]

      ldr R3,56

      lr R3,[56]


29)    In FALCON-A instruction format of Type-2 constants and variable should be in the range of.

      -132 to +131

      -164 to + 163

      -32 to + 31

      -128 to + 127


30)    In a FALCON-A assembly program, labels are used to implement---------- jump.





31)    In “Jump [8]” instruction, the size of the constant fields is-------- bits.





32)      The multiplexer--------- is used to decide which value is transferred to be written back to the register file.





33) is a register which takes input from the ALSU as memory address to be accessed and transfer the

memory contents on that location onto the memory sub-system.





34)  In pipe-lined processor, there should be a-------- port register file so that if the register write and register read

stages overlap they can be performed in parallel.





35)    Which of the following registers is used as an implicit operand in MUL/DIV instruction of FALCON-A?





36)    Which one of the following control signals causes the data from the bus to be read into the register MAR.




      None of the given

37)    Which of the following operations is NOT performed by using miscellaneous instruction?

      Clearing all registers

      Stopping the processor


                  Returning from a procedure

38)      To set the value of micro-PC from branch address, the value of 4 to 1 multiplexer is------------





39)    The instruction “PUSH A” is an example of ------------

      0-address instruction

      1-address instruction

      2-address instruction

      3-address instruction

40)    Which of the following branch instruction has a condition which is always executed?





41) hazard occurs when attempting to access same resource in different ways at the same time.





42) is an example of Miscellaneous instruction.





43)    Which type of instructions enables mathematical computations?



      Data transfer


44)    VLIW Stands for-------------

      Variable Length Instruction Word

      Very Long Instruction Word

      Very Long Instruction Width

      Variable Length Instruction Width

45)    Which of the following is NOT related to the architecture of the computer?

      Instruction set

      Control signal

      I/O mechanism

      Memory addressing modules

46)    In SRC, the general-purpose register file includes------------- registers, each 32 bit wide.

      6 Registers R0 to R15

      24 Registers R0 to R23

      32 Registers R0 to R31

      64 Registers R0 to R63

47)    Which of the following RTL description is used for specifying the operation of an SRC instruction?





48)    What is the size of the memory space that is available to FALCON-A processor?

   2^8 bytes

     2^16 bytes

   2^32 bytes

   2^64 bytes

49)  How can we refer to an instruction register (IR), of 16 bits (numbered 0 to 15) using RTL.





50)  What is the working of Processor Status Word (PSW

      To hold the current status of the processor.

      To hold the address of the current process

      To hold the instruction that the computer is currently processing

      To hold the address of the next instruction in memory that is to be executed 51) What does the instruction “ldr R3, 58” of SRC do?

      It will load the register R3 with the contents of the memory location M [PC+58]

      It will load the register R3 with the relative address itself (PC+58).

      It will store the register R3 contents to the memory location M [PC+58]

      No operation

52)  What is the instruction length of the FALCON-E processor?

   8 bits

   16 bits

     32 bits

   64 bits

53)  Which one of the following portions of an instruction represents the operation to be performed?


   Instruction code



54)  Which one of the following is the highest level of abstraction in digital design in which the computer architect views the system for the description of system components and their interconnections?

      Processor-Memory-Switch level (PMS level)

      Instruction Set Level

      Register Transfer Level

      None of the given

55)  Identify the opcode, destination register (DR), source registers (SA and SB i/e source register A and source register B) from the following example. ADD R1, R2, R3

      Opcode= R1, DR=ADD, SA=R2, SB=R3

      Opcode= ADD, DR=R1, SA=R2, SB=R3

      Opcode= R2, DR=ADD, SA=R1, SB=R3

      Opcode= ADD, DR=R3, SA=R2, SB=R1

56)  Which one of the following circuit design levels is called the gate level?

      Logic Design Level

      Circuit Level

      Mask Level

      None of the given

57)  The CPU includes three types of instructions, which have different operands and will need different representations. Which one of the instructions requires two source registers?

      Jump and branch format instructions

      Immediate format instructions

      Register format instructions

      All of the above

58)  P: R3 <- R5 MAR <- IR These two are instructions written using RTL .If these two operations is to occur simultaneously then which symbol will we use to separate them so that it becomes a correct statement with the condition that two operations occur simultaneously?

      Parentheses ()

      Arrow <-

      Colon :

      Comma ,

59)  In which of the following instructions the data move between a register in the processor and a memory location (or another register) and are also called data movement?




      None of the given

60)  Which one of the following is the highest level of abstraction in digital design in which the computer architect views the system for the description of system components and their interconnections?

      Processor-Memory-Switch level (PMS level)

      Instruction Set Level

      Register Transfer Level

      None of the given

61)  Identify the opcode, destination register (DR), source registers (SA and SB i/e source register A and source register B) from the following example. ADD R1, R2, R3

      Opcode= R1, DR=ADD, SA=R2, SB=R3

      Opcode= ADD, DR=R1, SA=R2, SB=R3

      Opcode= R2, DR=ADD, SA=R1, SB=R3

      Opcode= ADD, DR=R3, SA=R2, SB=R1

62)  Which one of the following circuit design levels is called the gate level?

      Logic Design Level

      Circuit Level

      Mask Level

      None of the given

63)  The CPU includes three types of instructions, which have different operands and will need different representations. Which one of the instructions requires two source registers?

      Jump and branch format instructions

      Immediate format instructions

      Register format instructions

      All of the above

64)  P: R3 <- R5 MAR <- IR These two are instructions written using RTL .If these two operations is to occur simultaneously then which symbol will we use to separate them so that it becomes a correct statement with the condition that two operations occur simultaneously?

      Parentheses ()

      Arrow <-

      Colon :

      Comma ,

65)  In which of the following instructions the data move between a register in the processor and a memory location (or another register) and are also called data movement?




       None of the given

66)  What does the word ‘D’ in the ‘D-flip-Flop’ stands for?





67)  The instruction-------------- will load the register R3 with the contents of the memory location M [PC+56]

   Add R3, 56

   lar R3, 56

     ldr R3, 56

   str R3, 56

68)  What is the instruction length of the FALCON-E processor?

       8 bits

       16 bits

                 32 bits

69)  Which one of the following are the code size and the Number of memory bytes respectively for a 2-address instruction?

       4 bytes, 7 bytes

                 7 bytes, 16 bytes

       10 bytes, 19 bytes

       13 bytes, 22 bytes

70)  Which one of the following portions of an instruction represents the operation to be performed?


       Instruction code



71)  Which operator is used to ‘name’ registers, or part of registers, in the Register Transfer Language?





72)  What is the size of the memory space that is available to FALCON-A processor?

   2^8 bytes

     2^16 bytes

   2^32 bytes

   2^64 bytes

73)  An “assembler” that runs on one processor and translates an assembly language program written for another processor into the machine language of the other processor is called a ----------------


                 cross assembler



74)   Which instruction is used to store register to memory using relative address.

       ld instruction

       ldr instruction

       lar instruction

                 str instruction

75)  Which of the following can be defined as an address of the operand in a computer type instruction or the target address in a branch type instruction?

      Base address

      Binary address

      Effective address

      All of the given

76)  How can we refer to an instruction register (IR), of 16 bits (numbered 0 to 15) using RTL?





77)  What functionality is performed by the instruction “str R8, 34” of SRC?

      It will load the register R8 with the contents of the memory location M [PC+34]

      It will load the register R8 with the relative address itself (PC+34).

      It will store the register R8 contents to the memory location M [PC+34]

      No operation

78)  Which type of instructions help in changing the flow of the program as and when required?



      Data transfer

      Floating point

79)  Which of the following statements is/are true about RISC processors’ claimed advantages over CISC processors? (a) Keeping regularly accessed variables in registers as opposed to keeping them in memory facilitates faster execution. (b) RISC CPUs outperform CISC CPU’s in procedural programming environments. (c) Instruction pipelining has helped RISC CPU’s to attain a target of 1 cycle per instruction.

(d)  It is easier to maintain the “family concept” in RISC CPU.


      (a), (b) &(c)

      (b), (c) & (e)

      (c), (d) & (e)

      (a), (c) & (d)

80)  Which one of the following is the highest level of abstraction in digital design in which the computer architect views the system for the description of system components and their interconnections?

      Processor-Memory-Switch level (PMS level)

      Instruction Set Level

      Register Transfer Level

      None of the given


81)    Which one of the following is/are the features of Register Transfer Language? a) It is a symbolic language


b)  It is describing the internal organization of digital computers c) It is an elementary operation performed (during one clock pulse), on the information stored in one or more registers d) It is high level language.

                     (b) only

                      & (b) only

                      ,(b) & (d)

                      (b),(c) & (d)

81)  Motorola MC68000 is an example of-------- microprocessor.





82)  Which one of the following registers holds the instruction that is being executed?


       Address Mask

                 Instruction Register

       Program Counter

83)  For any of the instructions that are a part of the instruction set of the SRC, there are certain                        required; which may be used to select the appropriate function for the ALU to be performed, to select the appropriate registers, or the appropriate memory location.


                 Control signals


       None of the given

84)  The external interface of FALCON-A consists of a                  data bus.





85)  In which one of the following techniques, the time a processor spends waiting for instructions to be fetched


from memory is minimize




       Superscalar operation


86)                       enable the input to the PC for receiving a value that is currently on the internal processor bus.





87)  The processor must have a way of saving information about its state or context so that it can be restored upon return from the -------------





88)is the ability of application software to operate on models of equipment newer than the model for

which it was originally developed.


       Backward compatibility

                 Data migration

       Reverse engineering

       Upward compatibility

89)                     control signal allows the contents of the Program Counter register to be written onto the internal processor bus.






90)  Which one of the following registers stores a previously calculated value or a value loaded from the main memory?


      Address Mask

      Instruction Register

      Program Counter

91)  Computer system performance is usually measured by the ---------------

   Time to execute a program or program mix

   The speed with which it executes programs

   Processor’s utilization in solving the problems

     Instructions that can be carried out simultaneously

92)  The external interface of FALCON-A consists of a                          address bus.





93)  Which one of the following register(s) that is/are programmer invisible and is/are required to hold an operand or result value while the bus is busy transmitting some other value?

      Instruction Register

      Memory address register

      Memory Buffer Register

      Registers A and C

94)  The external interface of FALCON-A consists of a                     address bus and a                    data bus.

   8-bit , 8-bit

     16-bit , 16-bit

   16-bit , 24-bit

   16-bit , 32-bit

95) is the ability of application software to operate on models of equipment newer than the model for


which it was originally developed.


      Backward compatibility

      Data migration

      Reverse engineering

      Upward compatibility

96)  Which one of the following registers stores a previously calculated value or a value loaded from the main memory?


      Address Mask

      Instruction Register

      Program Counter

97)  Which one of the following register(s) contain(s) the address of the place the CPU wants to work with in the main memory and is/are directly connected to the RAM chips on the motherboard?


      Instruction Register

      Memory address register

      Memory Buffer Register

      Registers A and C

98)  FALCON-A processor bus has 16 lines or is 16-bits wide while that of SRC is                      wide.





99)                       enable the input to the PC for receiving a value that is currently on the internal processor bus.





100)    The external interface of FALCON-A consists of a                  data bus.





101)    For any of the instructions that are a part of the instruction set of the SRC, there are certain

                     required; which may be used to select the appropriate function for the ALU to be performed, to

select appropriate registers, or the appropriate memory location


      Control signals


      None of the given

102)    Among the two approaches available to design a control unit, hardware approach is relatively----------

as compared to micro-programming.





103)    The MAR is connected directly to the-----------


       CPU Internal bus

       CPU external bus


104)      Which of the following is not a part of processor state?





105) form the branch control field in the micro instruction.

      C Bits

      M Bits

            B BITS

       M Bits

106)      During the RESET operation of processor, control step counter is set to---------------





107)      An “assembler” that runs on one processor and translates an assembly language program written for another processor into the machine language of the other processor is called a------------


         Cross assembler



108)      In FALCON-A processor, the size of each I/O port is---------------

      16 bits

         8 bits

      8 bytes

      256 bytes

109) is defined as the number of instructions processed per second.

      Memory access


      ALU operation


110)      In FALCON-A ISA, which of the following opcodes is used to perform “No Operation”?






111) is an example of Miscellaneous instruction:





112)      To apply two shifts to an input number using the barrel shifter, the control signals S1 and S0 of the shifter should be------ --.

      S1 = 1 and S0 = 1

      S1 = 0 and S0 = 1

         S1 = 1 and S0 = 0

      S1 = 2 and S0 = 0

113)      Which one of the followings is the correct RTL description for sign extensions of an 8-bit constant:





114)      In MC68000,-------------- register is used as stack pointer:





115)        In which of the following instructions, the data moves between a register in the processor and a memory location:


      Load/ Store



116)        The size of data bus of mc68000 processor is:

      8 bits

         16 bits

      20 bits

       32 bits

117)    Which one of the following operations is NOT performed by using miscellaneous instructions?

      Clearing all registers

      Stopping the processor


      Returning from a procedure

118)    In case of FALCON-A------------- instructions are present which are not present in the SRC processor:

      Create and destroy

         In and out

      Open and close

      Read and write

119)    In Type C instruction of SRC ,------------------ bits are allocated for content value:





120)      RISC stands for?

      Registers internal system cache

         Reduced instruction set computer

      Registers instruction set computer

      Reduced internal system computers

121)    Which of the followings is not an example of super-scalar processors?



      Intel P6

      DEC Alpha 21164

122)      In EAGLE processor, which of the following notations is used to represent a memory word stored at address


      M [8] <0..15>:= M[8]©M[9]

      M[8]<15..0>:=M[9] ©M[8]

         M[8]<15..0:=M[8] ©M[9]

      M[8]<0..15>:=M[9] ©M[8]

123) form the branch address field in the micro instruction:

      C bits

         M bits

      B bits

      A bits

124)      What does the instruction “idr R3, 58” of SRC do?

         It will load register R3 with the contents of the memory location M[PC+58]

      It will load register R3 with the relative address itself (PC+58)

      It will store register R3 contents to the memory location M[PC+58]

      It will store the value of register R3 at the relative address itself (PC+58)

125)        The SPARC architecture defines a-------------------- that allows for multiple address spaces.

      Memory Location Unit(MLU)

      Memory Mapping Unit( MMU)

         Memory Shifting Unit (MSU)

      Memory Arithmetic Unit (MAU)

126)      For a processor having 32 general purpose register,-------------- bits are required for each register field in the






127)      Which of the following registers is/are programmer invisible and is/are required to hold an operand or result value while the bus is busy transmitting some other value?

      Instruction register

         Memory address register

      Memory Buffer Register

      Registers A and C

128)        In SRC which of the following is a notation which is used to repeat 32- bit memory word stored at address starting from 56?





129)        Which of the following branch instruction has a condition which is always executed?





130)        Which of the following EAGLE instruction is used to initialize all the registers by setting them to 0?





131)        Which notation do we use to name different fields of a register in RTL?





132)    Which of the following instruction is considered most important in pipelined EAGLE architecture?






132) SPARC uses a simple set of---------- instruction format.







      The ALSU function “INC2” increments the----------- by 2 and the output is stored in the buffer





134)      Which temporary register is loaded with either a register value from the register file or a constant from the instruction?





135)      “Finite-state machine” concepts are usually used to represent the control unit where every state corresponds to                  clock cycles(s).





136)    Total number of data registers in Motorola 68000 processor are----------





137) instruction is used to load a register with an immediate value.





138)    A computer belongs to which of the following subset of the systems?

      Mechanical system

          Electrical system

      Optical system

      Magnetic system

139)    In FALCON-A processor , the size of each I/O port is-------------

      16 bit

          8 bit

      8 bytes

      256 bytes

140)    Type A of SRC has which of the following instruction?

a)      andi, instruction

b)      No operation or nop instruction

c)      lar instruction

d)     ldr instruction

e)      Stop operation or stop instruction








141)                                In which of the following technique, the time a processor spends waiting for instruction to be fetched from memory is minimized?



      Super-scalar operation

      Speed up

142) is the ability of application software to operate on models of equipment near than the model

for which it originally developed.

      Backward compatibility

      Data migration

      Reverse engineering

          Upward compatibility

143)    Which of the following register stores a previously calculated value or a value loaded from the main memory?


      Address Mask

      Program counter

144)    Computer system performance is usually measured by the ----------

          Time to execute a program or program mix

      The speed in which it executes programs

      Processor’s utilization in solving the problems

      Instructions that can be carried out simultaneously

145)    Which of the following code size and the number of memory bytes respectively for a 2-address instruction.

      4 bytes, 7 bytes

          7 bytes ,16 bytes

      10 bytes , 19 bytes

      13 bytes, 19 bytes

146)     Which of the the given below measures is/are used for comparison of performance of various machine?

       Execution time



           All of the given

147)     There are------------ type of RESET operation in SRC.





148)     Type checking allows the------------- to determine memory for variables.





149)     In FALCON-A processor, memory word size is----------------

       1 byte

           4 bytes

       8 bytes

       2 bytes

150)      What functionality is performed by the by the instruction “lar R3, 36” performed.

       It will load the register R3 with the contents of memory location M[PC+36]

           It will load the register R3 with the relative address itself (PC+36)

       It will store the register R3 contents of memory location M[PC+36]

          It will left rotate the value of R3 36 times and will store the value in R3

A top-level view of computer function and interconnection

1. The processing required for a single instruction is called an

A. Instruction processing

B. Instruction cycle

C. Memory instruction

D. None of them

The right answer is

B) Instruction cycle

2. The fetched instruction is loaded into a register in the processor known as the

A. Memory

B. kernel

C. instruction register (IR)

D. memory registers

Right answer is

C) Instruction registers

3. The processor may perform some arithmetic or logic operation on data is

A. data processing

B. control

C. Processor

D. None of them

Right answer is

A) Data processing

4. The contents of the AC are stored in a location

A. 301

B. 302

C. 941

D. 303

Right answer is

C) 941

5. The collection of paths connecting the various modules is called

A. interconnections

B. communicating

C. joining

D. Interconnection structure

Right answer is

D) Interconnection structure

7. As with sequential access, direct access involves ——————— mechanism

A. Read

B. Write

C. None

D.  Both a and b

Right answer is

D) both a and b

8. The mapping function is easily implemented using the

A. Registers

B. Memory

C. Main memory address

D. None of them

Right answer is

C) Main memory address

9. The problem with write-back is that portions of the main memory are

A. valid

B. invalid

C. access

D. None of them

Right answer is

B) Invalid

10. The——————— processor can be dynamically configured to support write-through caching.

A. Pentium 2

B. Pentium 3

C. Pentium 4

D. None of them

Right answer is

C) Pentium 4

11. The common form of read-mostly memory



C. Flash memory

D. All of these

Right answer is

D) All of these

12. A more attractive form of read-mostly memory is



C. Flash memory

D. None of them

Right answer is


13. A number of chips can be grouped together to form a

A. Main memory

B. Memory bank

C. Memory

D. None of them

Right answer is

B) Memory bank

14. EPROM stands for

A. Erasable programmable read-only memory

B. An electrically programmable read-only memory

C. Error programmable read-only memory

D. None of them

Right answer is

A) Erasable programmable read-only memory

15. SDRAM stands for

A. Static dynamic random access memory

B. System dynamic random access memory

C. Synchronous dynamic random access memory

D. Syndrome dynamic random access memory

Right answer is

C) Synchronous dynamic random access memory

16. There are typically hundreds of sectors per

A. Disk

B. Track

C. Gaps

D. Disk data

Right answer is

B) Track

18. The information can then be scanned at the same rate by rotating the disk at a fixed speed, known as

A. Constant angular velocity

B. Multiple zone recording

C. Disk data layout

D. None of them

Right answer is

A) Constant angular velocity

19. The ———————- byte is a special bit pattern that delimits the beginning of the field.



C. 512

D. 600

Right answer is


20. A —————– disk can be removed and replaced with another disk

A. Nonremovable

B. Removable

C. Single Sided

D. Double Sided

Right answer is

B) Removable

21. The set of all the tracks in the same relative position on the platter is referred to as a

A. Platter

B. Tracks

C. Cylinder

D. None of them

Right answer is

C) Cylinder

22. An external device attaches to the computer by a link to an

A. Input module

B. Output module

C. Both a and b

D. None of them

Right answer is

C) Both a and b

22. Suitable for communicating with remote devices

A. Communication

B. Machine-readable

C. Human readable

D. None of them

Right answer is

A) Communication

23.  In how many classify external devices

A. Communication

B. Machine-readable

C. Human readable

D. All of these

Right answer is

D) All of these

24. The user provides input through the

A. Microphone

B. keyboard

C. monitor

D. none of them

Right answer is

B) Keyboard

25. An I/O module is often responsible for error detection and for subsequently reporting errors to the

A. Processor

B. Main memory


D. None of them

Right answer is

A) processor

26. The most important system program is the


B. Operating system

C. Linux

D. None of them

Right answer is

B) Operating system

27. How many layers of a Computer System

A. One

B. Two

C. Three

D. Four

Right answer is

D) Four

28. The access function must provide protection of resources and data from ——————- users

A. Unauthorized

B. Authorized

C. End

D. None of them

Right answer is

a) Unauthorized

29. How many types of errors

A. Internal and external hardware errors

B. Memory errors

C. Device failure

D. All of these

Right answer is

D) All of these

30. Addition proceeds as if the two numbers were unsigned integers

A. Integers

B. Signed integers

C. Unsigned integers

D. None of them

Right answer is

C) Unsigned integers

31. Starting at any number on the circle, we can add positive k (or subtract negative k) to that number by moving k positions ————–

A. clockwise

B. anticlockwise

C. counterclockwise

D. none of them

Right answer is

a) clockwise

32. Compared with addition and subtraction, multiplication is a complex operation, whether performed in ——————————

A. software

B. hardware

C. both a and b

D. None of them

Right answer is

C) both a and b

33. Addition proceeds as if the two numbers were unsigned integers

A. Integers

B. Signed integers

C. Unsigned integers

D. None of them

Right answer is

C) Unsigned integers

34. Starting at any number on the circle, we can add positive k (or subtract negative k) to that number by moving k positions ————–

A. clockwise

B. anticlockwise

C. counterclockwise

D. none of them

Right answer is

A) clockwise

35. Compared with addition and subtraction, multiplication is a complex operation, whether performed in ——————————

A. software

B. hardware

C. both a and b

D. None of them

Right answer is

C) both a and b

36. We have seen that addition and subtraction can be performed on numbers in twos complement notation by treating them as

A. integers

B. signed integers

C. unsigned integers

D. none of them

Right answer is

C) unsigned integers

37. The division is somewhat more ———————– than multiplication

A. complex

B. easy

C. different

D. harder

Right answer is

A) complex

38. The operation is specified by a binary code, known as the

A. operation code or opcode

B. source operand reference

C. result operand reference

D. None of them

Right answer is

A) operation code or opcode

39. In most cases, the next instruction to be fetched immediately follows the

A. Back instruction

B. current instruction

C. next instruction

D. none of them

Right answer is

B) current instruction

40. During instruction execution, an instruction is read into an ——————– in the processor

A. Memory buffer register (MBR)

B. Address register (AD)

C. instruction register (IR)

D. index register (IR)

Right answer is

C) instruction register (IR)

41. These operations are performed primarily on data in   

A. Random access memory

B. main memory

C. processor registers

D. none of them

Right answer is

C) processor registers

42. The various types of data upon which operations are performed is called

A. Data types

B. Operation repertoire

C. Instruction format

D. None of them

Right answer is

A) data type

43. We have seen that addition and subtraction can be performed on numbers in twos complement notation by treating them as

A. integers

B. signed integers

C. unsigned integers

D. none of them

Right answer is

C) unsigned integers

44. The division is somewhat more ———————– than multiplication

A. complex

B. easy

C. different

D. harder

Right answer is

A) complex

45. The most common addressing techniques

A. Stack

B. Direct

C. Indirect

D. All of these

Right answer is

D) All of these

46. Different opcodes will use different

A. addressing modes

B. mode fields

C. effective address

D. none of them

Right answer is

A) addressing modes

47. The disadvantage of the immediate addressing is that the size of the number is restricted to the size of the

A. Modes

B. Operand field

C. address field

D. registers

Right answer is

C) address field

48. The most common uses of displacement addressing

A. Relative addressing

B. Base-register addressing

C. Indexing

D. All of these

Right answer is

D) All of these

49. For this addressing method, indexing is not used.

A. Offset

B. Preindex

C. Postindex

D. None of them

Right answer is

A) Offset

50. The processor reads an instruction from memory (register, cache, main memory).

A. Fetch instruction

B. Fetch data

C. Process data

D. Interpret instruction

Right answer is

A) Fetch instruction

51. ———————— may be used only to hold data and cannot be employed in the calculation of an operand address.

A. Arithmetic register

B. Data registers

C. Index register

D. None of them

Right answer is

B) Data registers

52. Condition code bits are collected into one or more—————-

A. Registers

B. Address

C. Flags

D. Codes

Right answer is

A) registers

53. Contains a word of data to be written to memory or the word most recently read is

A. Program counter

B. Instruction register

C. Memory address register

D. Memory buffer register

Right answer is

D) memory buffer register

54. Interpret the opcode and perform the indicated operation.

A. Fetch

B. Execute   

C. Interpret

D. None of them

Right answer is

B) Execute

55. These determine the functions to be performed by the processor and its interaction with memory.

A. Operation Performed

B. Operands used

C. Execution sequencing

D. None of them

Right answer is

A) operation performed

56.  The use of a large set of registers should decrease the need to access

A. Operations

B. Memory

C. Register

D. None of them

Right answer is

B) memory

57. A —————– is defined to be the time it takes to fetch two operands from registers, perform an ALU operation, and store the result in a register.

A. Machine instruction

B. Machine cycle

C. Instruction register

D. Register operation

Right answer is

B) Machine cycle

58. The stages of the pipeline are an instruction—————— and an —————— that executes the instruction

A. fetch

B. execute/memory

C. both a and b

D. none of them

Right answer is

C) both a and b

59. For many years, the general trend in computer architecture and organization has been toward increasing processor complexity

A. Instruction

B. Addressing Modes

C. Specialized registers

D. All of these

Right answer is

D) All of these

  1. An ________ is a program that takes basic computer instructions and converts them into a pattern of bits that the computer's processor can use to perform its basic operations.

    1. Assembler
    2. Debugger
    3. Editor
    4. Console
  2. In which one of the following addressing modes, the operand does not specify an address but it is the actual data to be used.

    1. Direct
    2. Indirect
    3. Immediate
    4. Relative
  3. CS501_0001.jpg
    In this figure, the constant value specified by the immediate field is added to the register value, and the resultant is the index of memory location that is referred i.e. Effective Address = A + (content of R) . Identify the addressing mode.

    1. Displacement
    2. Immediate
    3. Indexed
    4. Relative
  4. In ________ address mode, the actual data is stored in the instruction.

    1. Direct
    2. Indirect
    3. Immediate
    4. Relative
  5. Which one of the following registers store a previously calculated value or a value loaded from the main memory?

    1. Accumulator
    2. Address Mask
    3. Instruction Register
    4. Program Counter
  6. Which field of the machine language instruction is the “type of operation” that is to be performed?

    1. Op-code
    2. CPU registers
    3. Memory cells
    4. I/O locations
  7. An instruction that specifies one operand in memory and one operand in a register would be known as a ________ address instruction.

    1. 2-1/2
    2. 1-1/2
    3. 0
    4. 2
  8. Which one of the following instructions is used to load register from memory using a relative address?

    1. la
    2. lar
    3. ldr
    4. str
  9. Which one of the following is an address (binary bit pattern) issued by CPU?

    1. Memory
    2. Effective
    3. Base
    4. Nex t instruction
  10. The instruction ________ will load the register R3 with the contenets of the m\emory location M [PC+56]

    1. Add R3, 56
    2. lar R3, 56
    3. ldr R3, 56
    4. str R3, 56
  11. Which instruction is used to store register to memory using relative address?

    1. ld instruction
    2. ldr instruction
    3. lar instruction
    4. str instruction
  12. Type A of SRC has which of the following instructions?

    1. andi, instruction
    2. No operation or nop instruction
    3. lar instruction
    4. ldr instruction
    5. Stop operation or stop instruction

    1. 1 & 2
    2. 2 & 3
    3. 3 & 5
    4. 2 & 5
  13. Which one of the following languages presents a simple, human-oriented language to specify the operations, register communication and timing of the steps that take place within a CPU to carry out higher level (user programmable) instructions?

    1. Assembly Language
    2. OOP(Object Oriented Language)
    3. RTL (Register Transfer Language)
    4. UML(Unified Modeling language)
  14. What does the RTL expression [M(1234)] means?

    1. The contents of memory whose address is 1234.
    2. The contents of data register 1234
    3. The effective address of register 1234
    4. The address of memory whose address is 1234.
  15. Which one of the following is a binary cell capable of storing one bit of information?

    1. Decoder
    2. Flip-flop
    3. Multiplexer
    4. Diplexer
  16. Which one of the following is a bi-stable device, capable of storing one bit of information?

    1. Decoder
    2. Flip-Flop
    3. Multiplexer
    4. Diplexer
  17. Which type of instructions load data from memory into registers, or store data from registers into memory and transfer data between different kinds of special-purpose registers?

    1. Arithmetic
    2. Control
    3. Data transfer
    4. Floating point
  18. Which one of the following portions of an instruction represents the operation to be performed?

    1. Address
    2. Instruction code
    3. Opcode
    4. Operand
  19. Which type of instructions enables mathematical computations?

    1. Arithmetic
    2. Control
    3. Data transfer
    4. None of the given
  20. Which one of the following is the memory organization of EAGLE processor?

    1. 8-bits
    2. 16-bits
    3. 32-bits
    4. 64-bits
  21. Which type of instructions help in changing the flow of the program as and when required?

    1. Arithmetic
    2. Control
    3. Data transfer
    4. Floating point
  22. What is the instruction length of the FALCON-E processor?

    1. 8 bits
    2. 16 bits
    3. 32 bits
    4. 64 bits
  23. What is the instruction length of the FALCON-A processor?

    1. 8-bits
    2. 16-bits
    3. 32-bits
    4. 64-bits
  24. What is the instruction length of the SRC and Falcon E processor?

    1. 8 bits
    2. 16 bits
    3. 32 bits
    4. 64 bits
  25. Which one of the following registers holds the address of the next instruction to be executed?

    1. Accumulator
    2. Address Mask
    3. Instruction Register
    4. Program Counter
  26. FALCON-A processor bus has 16 lines or is 16-bits wide while that of SRC ________ wide.

    1. 8-bits
    2. 16-bits
    3. 32-bits
    4. 64-bits
  27. For any of the instructions that are a part of the instruction set of the SRC, there are certain _________required which may be used to select the appropriate function for the ALU to be performed, to select the appropriate registers, or the appropriate memory location.

    1. Register
    2. Control signals
    3. Memory
    4. None of the given
  28. ________ control signal enable the input to the PC for receiving a value that is currently on the internal processor bus.

    1. LPC
    2. INC4
    3. LC
    4. I
  29. ________ operation is required to change the processor’s state to a known, defined value.

    1. Change
    2. Reset
    3. Update
    4. None of the given
  30. When is the “Divide error interrupt" generated?

    1. When an attempt is made to divide by decimal number
    2. When an attempt is made to multiply by zero
    3. When an attempt is made to divide by zero
    4. When negative number is stored in a register
  31. What should be the behavior of interrupts during critical sections?

    1. Must remain disable
    2. Must remain Enable
    3. Can be either enable or disable
    4. only important interrupts be enable
  32. A user program has to delete a file. The user program will be executing in the user mode. When it makes the specific system call to delete the file, an interrupt will be generated, this will cause the processor to halt its current activity and switch to supervisor mode. Once in supervisor mode, the operating system will delete the file and then control will return to the user program. This is an example of

    1. Hardware interrupt
    2. Software interrupt
    3. Exception
    4. All of the given
  33. ________ is/a re defined as the number of instructions processed per second.

    1. Throughput
    2. Latency Time to process 1 request.
    3. Throughput and Latency
    4. None of the given

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