mth601 Quiz 2 Spring 2024


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If a manufacturer company produces two types of product say ‘A’ and ‘B’ in ‘x’ and ‘y’ quantity respectively then which of the following would be the objective if the profit on one unit of ‘A’ is Rs.6 and on ‘B’ is Rs.11?

Max z = 6x +11y

In an optimization problem, we seek for maximizing or minimizing a specific quantity, called the ----------.

objective function

Which of the following is first step to model a linear programming problem?

 dentifying the unknown decision variables

Under which of the following condition, a mathematical Program would be non-linear?

If least Objective function is non-linear

Which of the following method is used to find an optimal solution of a LP by assuming an initial solution, which later on modified through well defined steps?


Solution of a Linear Programming problem is found by -- methods.


Which of the following method follows iterative procedure to solve a Linear Programming problem?


The Economic Order Quantity in case of Manufacturing Model without Shortage can be transformed into Purchasing Model without Shortage by which of the following substitution?

When Replacement rate ‘R’ approaches zero

In the Graphical method, we determine --------- -------.

optimal solution from among all feasible solutions.

Which of the following is the major objective of the ABC analysis of inventory?

To classify the items in different categories

The mathematical technique which is used to solve a wide class of problems such as allocating scarce resources among competitive activities is known as --------.

Linear Programming model

In the Dynamic Order Quantity problem, the Demands of all succeeding months can be included in the demand of preceding one provided that ------------.

Shortage and Item Costs are balanced

Which of the following property assures the contribution of all variables in the Objective function and their requirements in constraints?


The objective function and ----------- together form a Linear Programming problem.

a set of constraints

Which of the following quantity will vary in case of Dynamic Order Quantity Model?


 The insensitivity of the solution relative to the original decision variables in an LP problem which is solved by M-method is overcome by ----------.

 Simplex method

In Big M-method, if the objective function is expressed in terms of non-basic variable then the coefficient of artificial variable in this iteration must be -------.


In two phase method, for the phase-I, if the objective function in terms of artificial variables is not minimized then the given problem has----------.

    Feasible solution


    In the initial iteration of Big M-method, the artificial variables appear in ---------.



    In two phase method, which of the following will be taken as starting solution for 2nd phase?

    Basic solution of 1st phase containing non-zero artificial variables


In the Simplex method to solve an LP problem of minimization, if at the end of iteration, there is a positive coefficient in the objective row then the given problem -------------.

    cannot be optimized

In the Simplex method to solve an LP problem of maximization, if at the end of an iteration, there is a negative coefficient in the objective row then the given problem---------.

    needs further improvement

 In an LP problem, to evaluate the basic variables in Simplex method in any iteration, we would have to express Objective function in terms of ------------- variables.


 Which of the following is true about the inclusion of non-negative slack variable into a constraint of type ‘less than or equal’?

 This inclusion doest not affect the inequality

 Under which of the following condition to solve an LP by using two phase method, we can’t proceed for 2nd phase?

 Objective function of 1st phase has zero value.

Constraints x>2, x=2 and x<2 are equivalent to ________.


Which of the following would be the objective of the cost per unit of producing certain cameras?


Which of the following is the meaning of linear?

Relationship between the variables is a straight line......confirm

Which of the following would be the objective of the efficiency of a certain air conditioning system depending upon temperature X pressure y moisture w and cross-sectional area of outlet u?


 If a manufacturer company produces two types of product A and B in x and y quantity respectively then which of the following would be the objective if the profit on one unit of A is Rs.6 and on B is Rs.11?

Max z = 6x + 11y......confirm

Under which of the following condition, a mathematical program would be non-linear?

If both objective function and constraints are non-linear....confirm


Under which of the following condition, the economic order quantity (EOQ) of manufacturing model with allowed shortage can be transformed into the same model without shortage?

When shortage cost is zero......confirm

One of the properties of linear programming model is that ____________.The relationship between problem variables and constraints must be


Linear programming is the backbone of operations research models due to __________. Linearity of objective function and constraints.....confirm

In an optimization problem, we seek for maximizing or minimizing a ,specific quantity, called the ________.

Objective function......confirm

While solving a linear programming problem the first step ________.

Formulation of the problem.....confirm

Operations research (OR) is the application of quantitative methods to making.


The first step in the application of --------       is to develop a network representation of the project plan.


There are ---------kinds of time calculations for a project.


In the phase of late start and late finish to find the critical path in a network flow diagram which of the following will be taken as latest finish time of the final event?

Early finish of final event

Which of the type of path will be critical in network flow diagram? Longest path from starting node…….confirm

In a development project if an activity(m,n) of seven days duration, starts late on 3rd day then which of the following will be its latest finish time?

10th day……confirm

In a quadratic programming problem unlike linear programming problem

At least one of objective function or constraint must be quadratic

Solution region of the constraint x>_0 is

Half plane to the region where abscissas are non-negative

A dummy activity is a simulated activity of sorts, one that is of ________duration and is created for the sole purpose of demonstrating a specific relationship and path of action on the arrow diagramming method.


Activity definition refers to the process of parsing a project into a number of individual tasks which must be completed ___________ the deliverables can be considered completed. Activity definitions rely on a number of specific input processes.



The first step in a problem solving exercises in OR is the ________that exist in the system.

Construction of the model of problem


A requirement for the definition of the problem in OR is that _________must be clearly defined which helps to focus attention on what the problem is



In a network flow diagram, time follows from_________

Left to right


In a national highway system intersection of two or more roads has the same analogy as the ______in the network flow diagram.



Best possible time estimate that a given activity would take under normal conditions which often exist, is called

Most likely time estimate


In ______, activity time estimates are distributed according to beta distribution.



The graphical method for solving a linear programming problem is applicable when _____

Two variables are involved


Which of the following is equivalent relation to the constraint x=2 of a linear programming

x<2 and X>2


While using simplex method for a LPP if there are 4 standard equations in 8 variables then number of non basic variables will be _______



The above problem is for minimization. Then what will be the leaving variable in the table?



In the purchasing model without any shortage (Wilsonsmodel) which of the following quatitiy does not vary?



How many decision variables are involved in the inventory model with shortages?



Which of the following rule is used in order to minimize the decision variables in any inventory model?

Simplex method


Which statement is true?

Objective function in Linear Programming problems has always finite value at the optimal solution

A finite optimal solution can be not unique


An OR model is an abstract representation of____

An existing problem situation


Game theory problems are covered by which of the following operations research techniques

Linear programming techniques


OR can not be applied in developing the five year plan for a food manufacturer.This statement isff



A ___ is a network where every pair of nodes is connected

Connected network


To identify and maintain the proper procedence relationship between activities. These are not connected by event,we introduce.

Dummy Activity


For a manufacture product optimization means

Minimizing its cost

 Question # 1 of 10 ( Start time: 03:56:10 PM ) Total Marks: 1

In the Purchasing Model with Shortages the Cost Function ‘C(S,Q)’ can also be expressed as function of --------------.
Select correct option:

Question # 2 of 10 ( Start time: 03:57:35 PM ) Total Marks: 1
Under which of the following condition the economic order quantity in case of Purchasing Model with Shortage can be transformed into Purchasing Model with no Shortage?
Select correct option:
When shortage Cost tends to zero
When Shortage Cost tends to infinity
When Carrying Cost tends to zero
When Carrying Cost tends to infinity

Question # 3 of 10 ( Start time: 03:58:39 PM ) Total Marks: 1
If the demand of an item is occurred in the period of stock out and it is satisfied at the beginning of the next cycle then such type of problem will discuss under which of the following?
Select correct option:
Purchasing Model with shortages
Purchasing Model with no shortages

Question # 4 of 10 ( Start time: 03:59:39 PM ) Total Marks: 1
By putting the Replacement Rate ‘R?Infinity’ and Shortage Cost ‘C4?Infinity’ in the Economic Order Quantity(EOQ) of Manufacturing Model with allowed Shortage, then the result is -----------
Select correct option:
EOQ of Wilson’s Model
EOQ of Manufacturing Model without Shortage
EOQ of Purchasing Model with allowed Shortage

Question # 5 of 10 ( Start time: 04:00:56 PM ) Total Marks: 1
In the graph of Purchasing Model with shortages, the area above the horizontal axis represents -----------.
Select correct option:
set up cost of item
shortage cost of item
purchase cost of item
carrying cost of item

Question # 6 of 10 ( Start time: 04:02:13 PM ) Total Marks: 1
Which of the following is the is major assumed difference between the models of Purchasing and Manufacting without shortage ?
Select correct option:
Replacement rate
Item, Setup and Holding Costs

Question # 7 of 10 ( Start time: 04:03:29 PM ) Total Marks: 1
The Economic Order Quantity in case of Manufacturing Model without Shortage can be transformed into Purchasing Model without Shortage by which of the following substitution?
Select correct option:
When Replacement rate ‘R’ approaches zero
When Replacement rate ‘R’ approaches infinity
When Demand rate approaches zero
When Demand rate approaches infinity

Question # 8 of 10 ( Start time: 04:04:36 PM ) Total Marks: 1
In the Dynamic Order Quantity problem if the ratio of Setup and Carrying Costs is ‘500’ and the Demands of 2nd and 3rd months are 50 and 120 respectively then which of the following is true about the 2nd month’s requirment?
Select correct option:
2nd month demand can be included in 1st month
2nd month demand will have to fulfill in 2nd month
2nd month demand can be included in 3rd month
2nd month demand can be included in any month of the year

Quiz Start Time: 03:56 PM
Time Left 88
Question # 9 of 10 ( Start time: 04:05:25 PM ) Total Marks: 1
Which of the following category of items in ABC analysis has the maximum Holding Cost?
Select correct option:
A category
B category
C category
All categories’’ items have equal Holding Costs

Quiz Start Time: 03:56 PM
Time Left 89
Question # 10 of 10 ( Start time: 04:05:47 PM ) Total Marks: 1
For ABC analysis, in the Random Sample of some items, the ranks to the items are assigned with respect to their ----------------.
Select correct option:
lowest annual unit cost
largest annual unit cost
lowest annual usage value
largest annual usage value

Quiz Start Time: 04:18 PM
Time Left 86
Question # 1 of 10 ( Start time: 04:18:31 PM ) Total Marks: 1
In the Dynamic Order Quantity problem if the ratio of Setup and Carrying Costs is ‘500’ and the Demands of 2nd and 3rd months are 50 and 130 respectively then which of the following is true about the 2nd month’s requirment?
Select correct option:
2nd month demand can be included in 1st month
2nd month demand will have to fulfill in 2nd month
2nd month demand can be included in 3rd month
2nd month demand can be included in any month of the year
[4:19:35 PM] Abu Bakar:
BC100401595 : Abubakar Khalid

Question # 2 of 10 ( Start time: 04:19:29 PM ) Total Marks: 1
A single cycle consists of two phases in case of “Manufacturing without Shortage ”, then which of the following is the first phase?
Select correct option:
Withdrawal of items from inventory at constant rate in per unit of time
The inventory is assembled at constant rate per unit of time

Question # 3 of 10 ( Start time: 04:20:21 PM ) Total Marks: 1
Which of the following is the is major assumed difference between the models of Purchasing and Manufacting without shortage ?
Select correct option:
Replacement rate

Quiz Start Time: 04:18 PM
Time Left 88
Question # 4 of 10 ( Start time: 04:20:39 PM ) Total Marks: 1
In the Dynamic Order Quantity problem if the ratio of Setup and Carrying Costs is ‘500’ and the Demands of 2nd and 3rd months are 50 and 120 respectively then which of the following is true about the 2nd month’s requirment?
Select correct option:
2nd month demand can be included in 1st month
2nd month demand will have to fulfill in 2nd month
2nd month demand can be included in 3rd month
2nd month demand can be included in any month of the year

Question # 5 of 10 ( Start time: 04:21:56 PM ) Total Marks: 1
In which of the following model, the Carrying Cost per unit of time is reduced in the ratio (1-D/R):1 ?
Select correct option:
Purchasing Model without Shortage
Manufacturing Model without Shortage
Purchasing Model with allowed Shortage
Manufacturing Model with allowed Shortage

Question # 6 of 10 ( Start time: 04:23:22 PM ) Total Marks: 1
In the Dynamic Order Quantity problem, the Demands of all succeeding months can be included in the demand of preceding one provided that ------------.
Select correct option:
Item and Holding Costs are balanced
Shortage and Setup Costs are balanced
Setup and Holding Costs are balanced
Shortage and Item Costs are balanced

Question # 7 of 10 ( Start time: 04:23:45 PM ) Total Marks: 1
By putting the replacement rate ‘R?infinity’ in the Economic Order Quantity(EOQ) of Manufacturing Model with allowed Shortage, then the result is -----------.
Select correct option:
EOQ of Purchasing Model without Shortage
EOQ of Manufacturing Model without Shortage
EOQ of Purchasing Model with allowed Shortage

Question # 8 of 10 ( Start time: 04:24:58 PM ) Total Marks: 1
In the graph of Purchasing Model with shortages, the area above the horizontal axis represents -----------.
Select correct option:
set up cost of item
shortage cost of item
purchase cost of item
carrying cost of item

Quiz Start Time: 04:18 PM
Time Left 85
Question # 9 of 10 ( Start time: 04:26:27 PM ) Total Marks: 1
If the purchases are made in large quantities then the Economic Order Quanti ty model may fail because --------------.
Select correct option:
the Holding Cost will increase
the Holding Cost will decrease
the Setup Cost will increase
the Setup Cost will decrease

Question # 10 of 10 ( Start time: 04:27:13 PM ) Total Marks: 1
If the total inventory in one cycle of ‘t’ units of time is ‘(1/2)Qt’, then which of the following is the average inventory at any time?
Select correct option:

Question # 1 of 10 ( Start time: 04:28:57 PM ) Total Marks: 1
In the Dynamic Order Quantity problem if the ratio of Setup and Carrying Costs is ‘500’ and the Demands of 2nd and 3rd months are 50 and 130 respectively then which of the following is true about the 2nd month’s requirment?
Select correct option:
2nd month demand can be included in 1st month
2nd month demand will have to fulfill in 2nd month
2nd month demand can be included in 3rd month
2nd month demand can be included in any month of the year

Question # 2 of 10 ( Start time: 04:29:14 PM ) Total Marks: 1
In the ABC analysis, the items are classified into three categories with respect their--------------.
Select correct option:
cost value
demand value
turn over value
mark up value

Question # 3 of 10 ( Start time: 04:29:36 PM ) Total Marks: 1
Which of the following is true about the Manufacturing model without Shortage?
Select correct option:
Demand rate = Replacement rate
Demand rate > Replacement rate
Demand rate < Replacement rate
None of the above choices

Question # 4 of 10 ( Start time: 04:30:42 PM ) Total Marks: 1
A single cycle consists of two phases in case of “Manufacturing without Shortage ”, then which of the following is the first phase?
Select correct option:
Withdrawal of items from inventory at constant rate in per unit of time
The inventory is assembled at constant rate per unit of time

Question # 5 of 10 ( Start time: 04:30:55 PM ) Total Marks: 1
Which of the following category of items in ABC analysis has the maximum Holding Cost?
Select correct option:
A category
B category
C category
All categories’’ items have equal Holding Costs

Question # 6 of 10 ( Start time: 04:31:12 PM ) Total Marks: 1
Under which of the following condition the economic order quantity in case of Purchasing Model with Shortage can be transformed into Purchasing Model with no Shortage?
Select correct option:
When shortage Cost tends to zero
When Shortag Cost tends to infinity
When Carrying Cost tends to zero
When Carrying Cost tends to infinity

Question # 7 of 10 ( Start time: 04:32:09 PM ) Total Marks: 1
By putting the replacement rate ‘R?infinity’ in the Economic Order Quantity(EOQ) of Manufacturing Model with allowed Shortage, then the result is -----------.
Select correct option:
EOQ of Purchasing Model without Shortage
EOQ of Manufacturing Model without Shortage
EOQ of Purchasing Model with allowed Shortage

Question # 8 of 10 ( Start time: 04:32:28 PM ) Total Marks: 1
In the Purchasing Model with Shortages the Cost Function ‘C(S,Q)’ can also be expressed as function of --------------.
Select correct option:

Question # 9 of 10 ( Start time: 04:32:40 PM ) Total Marks: 1
Which of the following is the major objective of the ABC analysis of inventory?
Select correct option:
To fulfill the demand of items
To replace the required items in proper time
To control the inventories
To classify the items in different categories
Quiz Start Time: 04:28 PM
Time Left 89
Question # 10 of 10 ( Start time: 04:32:59 PM ) Total Marks: 1
Which of the following quantity will vary in case of Dynamic Order Quantity Model?
Select correct option:
Setup Cost
Carrying Cost
Item Cost

The amount of the inventory will always taken to be ----------- MTH601

A single cycle consists of two phases in case of “Manufacturing without Shortage ”, then which of the following is the first phase? MTH601
Withdrawl of items from inventory at constant rate in per unit of time

If the demand of an item is occurred in the period of stock out and it is satisfied at the beginning of the next cycle then such type of problem will discuss under which of the following? MTH601
Purchasing Model with no shortages

If an item is manufactured, then the direct or indirect material, labor, and overhead expenses are referred to -----------. MTH601
Item cost

In which of the following model, the Carrying Cost per unit of time is reduced in the ratio (1-D/R):1 ? MTH601
Purchasing Model without Shortage

In the context of Wilson’s model, at time t = 0, the quantity ‘Q’ of the product is--------- in the inventory. MTH601 Minimum

Which of the following quantity will vary in case of Dynamic Order Quantity Model?


The parameters like demand and ordering quantity cost are quite --------- in the Deterministic inventory models. MTH601

Objective of inventory control is to balance between the advantage of having inventories and the --------- of carrying them to arrive at an optimal level of inventories to minimize the total inventory cost. MTH601

Which of the following category of items in ABC analysis needs special attention by the management? MTH601
All category

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